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Jan Webinar: Ancestral Healing in the Way of the Avatars Jan Webinar: Ancestral Healing in the Way of the Avatars
January 16, 2025 through January 30, 2025
via Zoom



Ancestral Healing

In January Rev. Kerry will be hosting a special 3-Part Live Webinar Series on Ancestral Healing. At this time you'll have the opportunity to heal and clear yourself, as well as your ancestral lineage dating back hundreds and even thousands of years! 

In his 30 years of work as a Mystic and Intuitive Healer Rev. Kerry has seen that healing is a collective event. Meaning, all healing for an individual requires the healing of others--often times many others. In this sense there is no such thing as an individual healing. We are all connected and to heal we must often heal as a group; specifically as an ancestral group.

During this special 3-Part Ancestral Healing Webinar Series you'll participate in and experience the following:

  • An in-depth discussion of Ancestral Healing.
  • Sacred ancestral healing processes as taught to Rev. Kerry by the Spiritual Avatar Sri Amma of Oneness and The Golden Age Movement.
  • Sacred ancestral healing processes as taught to Rev. Kerry by the gifted Healer, Mystic and Avatar of Unconditional Love, the late Rev. Ron Roth.
  • The calling forth of your Higher Sacred Self and your Spiritual Team to assist you with Ancestral Healing.
  • Follow-up prayers and sacred practices so you can continue your Ancestral Healing after the webinar or anytime you wish.

"Hi everyone! It is said that everyone has a unique gift. Over the years I have discovered one of my gifts is that of Ancestral Healing. By Divine Grace I'm able to facilitate and open the doorways to healing of an ancestral nature, whereby people's families, their past lives, their ancestors, and often times humanity at large are showered with an energy of Forgiveness and Acceptance. This then opens the doorways to Divine Grace and healing happens, often times of a miraculous nature.

I invite you to join me for this very special 3-Part Live Ancestral Healing Webinar Series to heal your past, your present and your future--for all involved." ~ Rev. Kerry

RECORDINGS - All webinar sessions will be recorded and made available to you, so it is not necessary to participate live for each session.

This is a 3-part Webinar Series scheduled as follows:

January 16, 2025 ~ Thursday
5:00pm - 5:45pm Pacific Time
6:00pm - 6:45pm Mountain Time
7:00pm - 7:45pm Central Time
8:00pm - 8:45pm Eastern Time

January 23, 2025 ~ Thursday
5:00pm - 5:45pm Pacific Time
6:00pm - 6:45pm Mountain Time
7:00pm - 7:45pm Central Time
8:00pm - 8:45pm Eastern Time

January 30, 2025 ~ Thursday
5:00pm - 5:45pm Pacific Time
6:00pm - 6:45pm Mountain Time
7:00pm - 7:45pm Central Time
8:00pm - 8:45pm Eastern Time

If you are unable to participate in one or more of the live sessions you may view a recorded replay, which will be made available to registered participants within 24 hours after the completion of each session. These replays will remain available online for six months, during that time you may watch and participate in them as many times as you wish.

The Webinar will be broadcast over the internet using ZOOM with a live video feed of Rev. Kerry and his presentation materials. This format allows for spontaneous interaction with all participants, with Rev. Kerry available to field questions and for you to share your comments and relevant experiences with other participants. 
Most any Mac, Windows PC, Chrome Notebook, iPad, Android Tablet, iPhone or Android Phone can connect using ZOOM.

NOTE: ZOOM requires a small app to be loaded onto your computer or mobile device in order for the webinar to run properly, so don’t be alarmed when it prompts you to add this app. Also, if you're using a Mac, PC or Mobile device to connect it is suggested, but not required, that you use a headset; as this will prevent others in your household from hearing the webinar. 

For those that do not have access to a Mac, PC, Chromebook or Mobile device, this webinar can alternatively be accessed via phone (audio only, no video) using a long-distance phone number. Details available after registration.

Any use of services provided by Rev. Kerry, be they free services or paid for services, to clients, customers, website visitors, or participants in his Webinars, Satsangs, Events and/or Private Sessions constitutes acceptance of the Client Consent Form published and downloadable from this website. If you participate in any of these services you are agreeing to the disclosure statements made in the Client Consent Form and absolve Rev. Kerry of any and all liability. For more information please visit Terms of Service for details governing participation in this event.

Please know that Rev. Kerry is an ordained minister with Celebrating Life Ministries and works through the power of the Divine to help and assist others. As a member of the ministry he is granted the legal authority to lay hands on clients, perform healing and/or prayer as a form of spiritual and energetic healing. Rev. Kerry is not and does not claim to be a medical doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, chiropractor or licensed health care provider of any sort. His work is not offered as a replacement or substitute for conventional medical or behavioral health care treatment, but rather as an ancillary, spiritual based modality. 

Click the Add button shown below and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the registration and payment process. Your payment covers all sessions of this online course. Upon completion you will be sent a receipt to the email address we have listed for your account.

This email receipt is VERY IMPORTANT, it will contain instructions on how to participate. If you fail to receive your email receipt within ONE HOUR please check your Junk or Spam folder. If you still can't find your email receipt please Contact Us via email ASAP so we may ensure it gets to you. Thank You!

$150.00 $125.00

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