EMAIL LISTS GAM Create Course email list, please contact: A sample of Rick's recent E-newsletter: Sign up for Rick's E-newsletter:
WEBSITES AND YOUTUBE CHANNELS Golden Age Movement Website - Sri Amma Bhagavan Website - Golden Age Movement Store - Purchase various images of the Paramjyoti (Supreme Light): Sri Amma Bhagavan’s Teachings - This YouTube Channel contains over 250 videos of excerpts from Sri Amma Bhagavan Darshan’s given over the years: Sri Amma Bhagavan Current & Future Events - Use this YouTube Channel to find the current and future online Oneness events: Sri Amma Bhagavan Miracles - This YouTube Channel contains numerous videos of reported miracles from many people:
TELEGRAM GROUPS Sri Bhagavan USA/Canada Family of the Divine - General group info for everyone who lives in the USA/Canada. Receive updates, teachings, miracles, etc: Sri AmmaBhagavan Family - Gifting Awakening - Receive teachings directly from Sri Bhagavan. Postings only by Sri Bhagavan or Tejasaji: Physical Healing - Sri AmmaBhagavan Family - Post your photo and prayer as if already received, to receive Sri Bhagavan’s blessing for health: Granting Wealth - Sri AmmaBhagavan Family - Post your photo and prayer as if aready received, to receive Sri Bhagavan’s blessing for any form of wealth: Rev. Kerry’s Satsang Group - This is Rev. Kerry’s private satsang group for those that have participated in one or more of his monthly satsang or webinar events. The purpose is to host an online community for those interested in helping ourselves and humanity move more gracefully into the Golden Age. To join:
GENERAL COURSES Aalaya Darshans - Daily. Aalaya Darshans are performed each evening and are designed to, over time, clear our internal programming and karma, leading to an improved wordly life. Better relationships. Improved finances. Overcoming obstacles. And your worldly needs more easily met. These Darshans consist of different Pujas (sacred ceremonies) performed live at a specific time at various sacred temples within India by Oneness monks. Because these Pujas must be performed at a specific time, the times for Westerners cannot be changed and are as follows: 11:20pm PT, 12:20am MT, 1:20am CT, 2:20am ET. No video recording is available, so you must do these live. Cost $0. To participate: Create Your Beautiful Life Course - Monthly. A Powerful 3-hour Experience of Self-Discovery, Igniting the Inward Journey for a More Awakened and Joyful Life. Like the Aalaya Darshans this course improves your relationships, finances, helps one to overcome obstacles and generally leads to a more enjoyable life. Cost $25.
COURSES FOR AWAKENING & ENLIGHTENMENT * 74,000 Deeksha Yajna - This course is highly recommended for those seeking Awakening and Enlightenment. It is held on the last Saturday of each month via Zoom and lasts for around two hours each time. This is a live darshan (question and answer session) directly with Sri Bhagavan broadcasted from India, participants will also receive blessings from Sri Bhagavan, will participate in processes designed to give Enlightenment and will be prayed for on a regular basis by the advanced monks at the Satyalok Campus in India. Cost is $625/year and this course is open to everyone. Website about the 74,000 Deeksha Yajna: Short video about the 74,000 Deeksha Yajna:
FOR THOSE SUPER SERIOUS ABOUT AWAKENING, ENLIGHTENMENT & GOD-REALIZATION * Awakening Into The Golden Age 3-Day Course - Held 3 times per year. This is the premier Golden Age Movement Course for those SUPER SERIOUS about shifting into Enlightenment and beyond. Those taking this course agree to take it a total of eight times over a 4-8 year period, then travel at least once to attend the Enlightenment Festival in India at Ekam to become fully Enlightened. Cost $1,250 per course. Details at:
EKAM RESOURCES & COURSES & FESTIVALS EKAM Website - Discover the latest in-person and online courses available through O&O: