Rev. Kerry's Intuitive Healing NewsletterEach month I author, produce and distribute via email Rev. Kerry's Intuitive Healing Newsletter. This e-publication is full of information learned during my 20 years of work as an Intuitive and Spiritual Healer; insights you can use to improve your physical and spiritual health. It normally contains one primary topic of discussion, often times illuminated with healing examples from my past work with clients. Email is one of the primary ways I will communicate with you. Unless we have a private session scheduled, I won't call you and I won't flood you with junk mail. I'll simply share with you my eNewsletter plus any new programs, services or free TeleSeminars coming up. I invite and encourage you, your family and friends to sign up for my Newsletter. It keeps you informed, it costs nothing, and of course you are free to un-subscribe at any time. Click Free Newsletter to sign up and be added to my email list. Thanks.
Archive SectionVisitors to my website can download selected past TeleSeminar recordings and prior eNewsletters for no charge. The Archive section has become very popular, with numerous downloads each week. I encourage you to take advantage of this service, as I believe you'll find them invaluable, full of information and intuitive insight. Click Create Customer Account to create your account.
Prayer ServicesHealing Prayer can be a highly effective method to bring about healing for ourselves and those we care most about. Indeed, current medical studies are now showing the efficacy of healing prayer—something mystics and healers have known for centuries. On my website I provide a Prayer Request page. All are welcome to submit healing prayers for yourself or your loved ones. There is no limit on the number of prayer requests you may submit, nor on the subject of the prayer request itself. It is my experience that God already knows what is in our best interest and we simply need to make the connection with the Divine more strongly, to begin receiving the grace that is available to us. To accommodate your prayer requests, several times each week I set aside time to connect with and pray for the health, well-being and safety of those submitted for healing prayer. I invite you to join me in prayer anytime during the day to assist with their healing. All prayer requests will remain confidential. Click Prayer Request to learn more.
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