What Others Have Said
Listed below are just a few of the "Thank You" letters sent to me. It is my privilege to have known these individuals and to have played some small part in their healing process and spiritual unfoldment. Perhaps their stories will inspire and give you hope that God really does intend the best for all His/Her children. As you will see healing can happen in many different ways, and in a variety of forms. |
Healed after 40 years of headaches...Words just can't express my gratitude to you ((((Kerry))))! When I think of all the physical therapy, acupuncture, reflexology, herbs, allergy tests, etc. I have invested my energy over the years, I am just amazed at what you have done for me. You really have given me my life back. Thank You! Jude Sedona, AZ
Physical and relationship healing...
Dear Kerry,
My husband and I met you over breakfast during our vacation to Sedona last November. I have thought of you often since then. I should have written you long ago to thank you for your kindness and the healing you gave me. I am very grateful to you.
You helped to produce a couple of significant changes in my life. The one that affects me the most on a daily basis is the recharge you did on my body's energy circulation. I used to get cold very easily, now I am amazed at how comfortable I am even when others around me are cold. This is a seemingly small thing, but an amazing gift to me and one that has made my life much more comfortable.
The other significant thing you did was to help heal a strained relationship between my sister and me. I found it difficult to forgive her until I met with you. Our relationship has improved remarkably since then. Thank you.
I am grateful that God brought us together and I am very grateful to you for blessing me with your healing...
Heather Atlanta, GA
Ancestral healing... The first time I received healing from Kerry was 6 years ago. In that session he mentioned about ancestral healing and he held his hand on my right chest where he released the ancestral pain from generations ago. All I was hearing in my head was that it does not make sense and I do not have any information or experience of such ancestor(s) in my past and that I do not have any pain there. I had no clue that after coming from India from 21 days process, with my increasing awareness I would be becoming very familiar with these ancestors of mine. :) After around 2 years from this experience I started experiencing the pain myself. And in 1 year it was clear these were really coming from my lineage and there was nothing I could do about this pain. In 2009 I had my second healing with Kerry and he saw how deep the lienage of this pain was going and that there were a lot of people from my fathers side who had been in tribal wars since eons who needed help. This time I could feel the truth and I surrendered to the Divine fully for all these people to be healed. Divine led me to have my third session about this specific pain almost after 2 years from the 2nd session. This time though the truth was becoming even more obvious. The date of the session happened to be when I arrived to the city where my dad lived. Furthermore, my dad told me that only couple of weeks ago he hit his back exactly at the point where I had the pain for years. I was happy but sad at the same time but I knew that this incident was only part of the healing of ourselves and my fathers lineage. The story which started in 2005 with Kerry's healing session became unmistakably undeniably obvious now. I thank my Divine and Kerry so much for this and I hope many others also to be healed greatly.
Pinar Tabur Istanbul, Turkey
Spiritual healing...Dear Kerry, The session with you, Kerry, was more than I could ever have imagined.
It was so wonderful that my father came through to help me {my father is deceased}. Words cannot express what I felt or am feeling as I write this. The session did not just stop with this experience but went on clearing other past life and present life experiences.
I went to the cemetery twice, once right after our session {as you suggested I should}. The carnations {my father said would be visible next to his grave} were baby carnations and they were two rows from my father's grave. There are never flowers around there! I just started crying and crying {I knew then my father's words and healing assistance during our session were truly sent by him, guided by the love of God}.
My left side still needs a little bit more of Gods healing, but it is so much better. I usually grab my head because of the pain and discomfort. Out of habit I have done it a few time since our session and there is no pain, only minor tenderness. The session has not ended for me, I feel I am still processing.
Carol Los Angeles, CA
Spiritual Unfoldment... Dear Kerry
Thank you so much for opening my heart to a greater connection and closeness to God. I feel so blessed to have met you and I absolutely believe God brought you to me. Your Teachings and Healings have brought to me a deeper understanding of love for God, others and myself. I Have such a complete sense of wholeness and holiness since working with you. You have inspired me to search deeper and farther then I ever imagined.
I am so excited about where God will lead me from this point on. God has been trying to get my attention for so long and so many times in my life has reached me only to have me turn away again, (back to the world). God has reached me for good this time, through you Kerry and I know I will never turn back again. I thank you again from the bottom of my heart and look forward to our continued meetings together.
Sherri Portland, OR
Ancestral and physical healing... When I first met Kerry Chinn three years ago I was working at my present job as a waitperson at a gourmet vegetarian restaurant in Seattle. I have a wonderful job, a beautiful relationship, a supportive family and yet I had felt out of sorts for over nine months. I remember the night distinctly because I had made a point of wearing white to create a healing atmosphere around me and hopefully feign health. Instead, I wobbled through the dining room with a glazed smile, barely able to support what felt like a feeble, incomplete body, let alone a tray full of dishes.
Kerry recollected that one of the first things he noticed about me was that I had a wavering column of energy fleeing out the top of my head -- no cap to contain the life force inside. He spoke to my employer, an acquaintance from his restaurant visits, of his concern about my health and requested permission to ask me about my condition. She relayed the information to me and I introduced myself to Kerry at his table. I briefly discussed my problems to him and we made a plan to speak on the phone in more depth.
For the previous nine months I had been suffering from amennoreah. I felt entirely removed from the self I had once been. I felt irritable, angry, displaced, introverted for no reason, and felt I would give anything to return to my usual sunny, generous, optimistic personality. I often felt as though I were watching my body from above, looking down on an infertile and soulless shell.
I had tried countless regimes to spur my period: hormone replacement therapy, acupuncture, massage, change in diet and exercise, even an MRI of my brain to see if my pituitary gland was unable to produce proper amino acids for hormone building. All to no avail.
Kerry was understanding on the phone and we planned to meet at my house for a healing session. Aside from his special healing powers, I think Kerry is an extremely perceptive person. He wandered around our house, looked at books on my bookshelf, the art that I made on our walls, the plants in our garden, and got a feel for the energy in the house. It made me feel very comfortable to know that he was concerned about my well-being and wanted to help me return to a state of health.
Our healing session was calm and gentle, and Kerry helped me visualize the process clearly in order to participate in it. From his work with me Kerry unearthed age old patterns of generations of women in my family that were acting out unresolved turmoil in my body. I had to understand that my body was responding to things I wasn't responsible for -- I had to separate myself from carrying the echoes of ninety-year-old problems. Kerry's session released an emotional entanglement that was restricting my own womanhood. Kerry's work was so valuable because he left me with healing meditations to return to. A lot was accomplished in our one meeting but I never felt it was a one-time healing or a quick fix. Instead it gave me the confidence to remember my own individuality and ability to heal myself.
Five weeks later my partner and I were on our annual retreat at a Buddhist monastery in the Carmel mountains. The slow pace, warm water from the hot springs, and natural beauty were the perfect environment to contemplate the freedom and happiness I had been feeling since my meeting with Kerry. It was no surprise to me that my period came during our stay there and continues to flow each month.
I recently suffered from a great deal of physical pain caused by a herniated disc. After my surgery, I was suddenly pain free and apologized to my partner for what had felt like a diminished life and an emotional strain. "It was nothing compared to the year without your period," he laughed. I am so grateful to Kerry for helping me back into my skin.
Thank you!
Nicole Seattle, WA
Physical healing... Being a long time avid golfer and highly active do-it-yourselfer, lower back pain had become a consistent morning ritual. I can't even remember the number of times of not being able to get out of bed or stand up straight.
A few years ago, I had the fortunate opportunity to literally experience Kerry's healing touch. And to this day, I can clearly remember the number of times I can't roll out of bed, ZERO! Move over Tiger!
Terry Newcastle, WA
Intuitive guidance... I found Kerry to have a very authentic and grounded approach to his work. It is a little difficult to explain in words the experience one has with this type of healing/intuitive counseling. However, I will say due to Kerry's authentic nature I felt very safe in his presence, this allowing me to stay open to the work he performed.
Kerry's work with me involved hands on healing, from this I felt an enormous amount of heat coming from his hands which was soothing to say the least. The interesting thing is the heat stayed with me for a number of days, most notably around my chest. Kerry also gave me a quote that he perceived to be fitting for my life at that time. On first hearing this quote it didn't make a lot of sense. However, I kept it and read it periodically over the next few months until the penny dropped and its meaning became crystal clear, helping guide me ever since.
In the type of counseling Kerry performs I feel it is very important to select someone you can trust, who is grounded in what they do. Kerry's work scores highly on all counts.
Lots of love,
Warren Australia
Emotional and spiritual healing... I spent a wonderful session with Kerry Chinn on Maui which deepened my healing and revealed areas that were blocked. I found specific areas to work on and realized the tools to empower me to further healing.
Kerry's presence is one of unconditional love. Leaving behind judgment or any other preconceived ideas. He stands present in his love ready to assist and further individuals on their quest for healing.
Kerry, Thank You, I've made great leaps and bounds since you {were} here.
I send my love,
Lisa Maui, HI
Animal healing... Words cannot express the gratitude that I have for Kerry Chinn's healing work with my dog, Casey. He was so sick that I was sure he was going to die and after Kerry's treatment he lay down and slept peacefully and he seems to be even more perky and happy as the months go by even though he's about 112 in people years.
Not only was the healing physical but a new depth of love shines through him.
What a gift!
Trish Portland, OR
Mental and emotional healing... Kerry's healing was very powerful for me. He guided me into places inside myself that had been locked away for decades, and helped me unleash and release a lot of lingering fear and anger around past issues. His style is very gentle and loving and he provided a very safe space for me to explore these tender areas. I think he is an exceptional healer with the wonderful gift of helping others in a very deep way.
Debra Camas, WA
Spiritual healing... Dear Kerry,
I wanted to thank you for your generous spirit and for taking so much time with me. You have a wonderful gift! I encourage you as you continue to explore the depths of your gift and share with others. It was a little overwhelming at first, but I'm slowly sorting through all of the new knowledge you helped me to discover. You were so right-my little "cup" is ever expanding. I look forward to checking back in with you in a few months as the journey unfolds.
Thank you for helping to show me the way!
Vyonne Seattle, WA
Physical healing (via phone)... I had the pleasure and honor of meeting Kerry at a Ron Roth seminar down in San Diego, California back in 1998. At this seminar we broke up into small groups, low and behold Kerry was in my group, and at that point I had no idea of who he was. Oh how God works in mysterious ways to put me at this table with a medical intuitive. When he began to tell his story the first thing I noticed was his sense of humor, I loved his laugh. Not only does Kerry have a sense of humor, but he is sweet, humble and a very giving person.
Okay, so why did Kerry come into my life? I wouldn't really find this out till this year (April 2002). Recently Kerry had e-mailed me saying he had set up his own web site. It hit me like a brick how much he had progressed and how stagnate I was. Why was this happening? How come I couldn't move forward? I know that people get physical healings, but I needed a healing of a different sort—like emotional and maybe some spiritual guidance to help me along the way.
Kerry can do this right over the phone... which is what happened with me simply sitting on my comfortable couch in my own home and he allowed God's Grace to flow through him to me. The session took about an hour and 15 minutes and after we got off the phone I sat there on my couch for another 10 minutes taking it all in...
...I must tell you that two days later, after the healing, I felt a sense of unlocking, a moving forward in my life. It is one week since Kerry and I have talked and my life is on fast forward now—the doors have been unlocked. Most people are scared of God, that he will strike you with a lightning rod, but this is not the case at all. God's grace is a soft, gentle love. The key is to have an open heart for any healing to take place. Just have an open heart and allow it to happen...
I am so blessed to have God guide me to Kerry—he has one awesome gift!!!
Love and Light from the City of Lights,
Carol Las Vegas, NV
Physical and emotional healing... ...I also wanted to thank you for the healing. It made me feel very relaxed and my fatigue went away! Within days, I resumed to my normal eating habits, eating everything in sight. I'm back to "normal..."
Thanks again, Kerry, for everything. You really made my day and I wanted to let you know.
Susan Honolulu, HI |