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FREE Dec 21st Holiday Webinar with Rev. Kerry FREE Dec 21st Holiday Webinar with Rev. Kerry
December 21, 2023


Holiday Webinar

Join us for this highly informative and fun-filled evening with Intuitive and Mystic Rev. Kerry.
During this Holiday Webinar you'll have the opportunity to have a mini-session with Rev. Kerry, where you can ask him any question you'd like. He will then connect with your spiritual team and his own team to intuitively search for the answer(s). 
This is all FREE of charge (donations gladly accepted but certainly not required) as a Holiday gift from Rev. Kerry to you!! 
Hi, this is Rev. Kerry. 
It is a great blessing as well as an honor to do the work that has been gifted to me. There is a profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction being able to live and work according to my inner calling, my life's purpose. And it would not be possible without you. Each of you has contributed, in some way, toward allowing me to do this work. I am so very, very appreciative.
So, for the month of December I'm hosting two Free Holiday Webinars. The first one is on Dec. 14th and the second one is on Dec. 21st. These are given freely, from my heart to yours. You can contribute a donation if you wish, but it is not required. I simply want to thank you for your time and support of my work over this past year and for all the years that you've been an integral part of my life. And hopefully, I've been an integral part of your life as well.
During these two Free Holiday Webinars I'll be offering free mini-readings to as many participants as I can get to in 90 minutes (each Holiday Webinar will last 90 minutes). You'll have the opportunity to ask me one or two questions and, with your permission, I'll consult with your spiritual team and mine to intuitively search for the answer(s). Your questions can be whatever you wish, your work, your relationships, finances, where to live, your past karma, your life purpose, almost anything. Then I'll do my best to provide you the necessary info you are seeking. 
Lastly, we'll conclude each Holiday Webinar with a group healing prayer for your health and also to attain ever higher states of consciousness.
I look forward to seeing and offering this gift to as many of you as possible. I may not be able to get to everyone in the time allotted, but I'll try my best to get to as many of you as I can. And even if you don't wish for a mini-session of your own, please consider registering because you may find the intuitive information provided to others in some way beneficial to you too, or your family and friends.
Namaste ~ Rev. Kerry
IMPORTANT: Each of these Holiday Webinars is limited to a maximum of 70 live participants. To allow as many people as possible to participate I've set these two Holiday Webinars up separately. Meaning, you may participate in just one Holiday Webinar or both of them, but you must register for each one separately. Each will have its own private Zoom Link, so unlike my usual webinars one Zoom Link will NOT cover both webinars. If you wish to participate in both Holiday Webinars you must register for each one separately, and if you wish to participate in just one Holiday Webinar be sure you select the one you wish to attend.
Also, because the nature of these type of mini-session webinars can be personal at times these two Holiday Webinars will NOT be recorded. IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE YOU MUST JOIN LIVE ON THE DATE AND TIME OF THE WEBINAR(S) YOU HAVE REGISTERED FOR. 


FREE December 21st Holiday Webinar with Rev. Kerry

Thursday, December 21, 2023
5:00 - 6:30pm Pacific Time
6:00 - 7:30pm Mountain Time
7:00 - 8:30pm Central Time
8:00 - 9:30pm Eastern Time
9:00 - 10:30pm Atlantic Time

Friday, December 22, 2023
1:00 - 2:30am UK & Ireland Time
2:00 - 3:30am Switzerland & Sweden Time

Due to the personal nature of this webinar it will NOT be recorded. Participants must JOIN LIVE to participate.

The Webinar will be broadcast over the internet with a live video feed of Rev. Kerry and his presentation materials. This format allows for spontaneous interaction with all participants, with Rev. Kerry available to field questions and for you to share your comments and relevant experiences with other participants. 

To access this Webinar Rev. Kerry utilizes a product called ZOOM, chosen because it is one of the highest rated and most reliable online communication products available. To connect you'll need the following:

Mac, PC or Mobile device access:

  • Mac (OS X 10.6.8 or later) with internet connection
  • Windows PC (XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10 or later) with internet connection
  • Linux PC (Redhat, Oracle, CentOS 6.4 or later, Fedora 21 or later) with internet connection
  • Tablet or Mobile Phone (Apple iOS, Android or Surface Pro) with internet connection
  • Speakers and Microphone. Webcam is supported but is optional.

AND one of the following browsers:

  • Mac (Safari 5 or later, Chrome, Firefox)
  • PC (IE 7 or later, Chrome, Firefox, Safari 5 or later)
  • Linux (Firefox, Chrome)

NOTE: ZOOM requires a small app to be loaded onto your computer or mobile device in order for the webinar to run properly, so don’t be alarmed when it prompts you to add this app. Also, if you're using a Mac, PC or Mobile device to connect it is suggested, but not required, that you use a headset; as this will prevent others in your household from hearing the webinar. 

Phone access:

  • For those that do not have access to a Mac, PC or Mobile device, this webinar can alternatively be accessed via phone (audio only, no video) using a long-distance phone number. Details available after registration.

Any use of services provided by Rev. Kerry, be they free services or paid for services, to clients, customers, website visitors, or participants in his Webinars, Satsangs, Events and/or Private Sessions constitutes acceptance of the Client Consent Form published and downloadable from this website. If you participate in any of these services you are agreeing to the disclosure statements made in the Client Consent Form and absolve Rev. Kerry of any and all liability. For more information please visit Terms of Service for details governing participation in this event.

Please know that Rev. Kerry is an ordained minister with Celebrating Life Ministries and works through the power of the Divine to help and assist others. As a member of the ministry he is granted the legal authority to lay hands on clients, perform healing and/or prayer as a form of spiritual and energetic healing. Rev. Kerry is not and does not claim to be a medical doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, chiropractor or licensed health care provider of any sort. His work is not offered as a replacement or substitute for conventional medical or behavioral health care treatment, but rather as an ancillary, spiritual based modality. 

Click the Add button shown below and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the registration and payment process. If you wish to make a donation for this free webinar (not required, but gladly accepted) please do the following. If you do not wish to make a donation then on step 3 select the "Checkout" button instead and continnue with the registration process. You'll be registered and checked out free of charge:

  1. Click the "Add" button shown below...
  2. Sign into your account...
  3. On the View Cart... page select the "Continue Shopping" button...
  4. Click the Ticket Office link shown on the left sidebar...
  5. Scroll down to the "Donation/Gratuity" item. Then select the amount of your donation from the dropdown list and click the Add button...
  6. Click the "Checkout" button and follow the on-screen prompts to check out...
  7. Upon checkout you'll be sent an email receipt, which is VERY IMPORTANT. It will contain instructions on how to participate. If you fail to receive your email receipt within 30 minutes please check your Junk or Spam folders. If you still cannot find your receipt please Contact Us at so we may ensure it gets to you. Thank you.



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